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Loose Change Card Game Directions Spoons

Monopoly is a classic game for adults. Parker Brothers has updated the old standby with the Monopoly Junior Shrek 2 version. It integrates the fun of Monopoly with the fairy tale excitement of Shrek. The object of the game is to purchase the most landmarks and collect as much money from other players as possible.

  1. Card Game Rules
  2. Loose Change Card Game
  3. Uno Card Game Directions


Loose change can quickly build into meaningful money- if you let it! So if your brother, sister, or partner fail to produce a card on your big day, give them a. Nudge by holding out the collection box. Then start your savings building again for next week's returns. Freshen up your money-making game with new rules and challenges. How to Play Casino (Card Game). Casino, also known as 'Cassino', is a popular card game best played with 2-4 players. The object of the game is to capture cards from a layout of face-up cards on the table, but the process can be tricky. The remaining card is tossed out of play for that particular game. Variation: play with a 54 card pack including big and little jokers as the top two trumps. Deal 18 cards to each player.

Lay out the board on a flat surface.

Choose a pawn and place it on the Go space.

Take a set of 10 same color houses. Place the remaining houses back in the box.

Loose Change Card Game Directions Spoons

Shuffle the deck of Chance cards.

Choose a player to be the Banker.

Give each player five $1s, four $2s, three $3s, one $4 and one $5 if you're the Banker.

Card Game Rules

Take turns letting each player roll the die. The player with the highest number goes first. Play continues to the left of the first player.

Roll the die and move your piece the appropriate spaces. Follow the instructions on the space. If you land on a landmark and it is unowned, you have the option of buying the landmark.

Loose Change Card Game

Continue playing. Roll the die, move the appropriate spaces and follow the instructions on the space.

Collect $2 every time you pass Go.

Loose Change Card Game Directions Spoons

Continue taking turns until a player loses all of his money. The first player to lose all of his money loses and ends the game.

Count the remaining players' money. The player with the most money wins the game.

Uno Card Game Directions



If you land on...

...an unowned landmark you must pay the Banker the amount shown on the space and place one of your houses on the space.

...an owned landmark you must pay the owner of the property the amount shown. If the owner has more than one property you must pay double the amount.

...the Happily Ever After Potion space you must give $2 to the Mr. Monopoly’s Loose Change space.

...the Mr. Monopoly’s Loose Change spot, you have won the money under the spot. If there is no money under the spot, do not do anything.

...the Lunch spot you must wait until your next turn to move your pawn.

...the Go to Lunch space means you must pay $3 to the Mr. Monopoly’s Loose Change space and move you pawn to the Lunch space. If you pass Go, do no collect $2 and wait until your next turn to move.

...the Chance space you must pull a Chance card and follow the instructions on the card. If the card says Free House, do not move your pawn. Identify the color on the card and find the landmarks with the corresponding color. If one but not both of the landmarks are unowned, place one of your houses on the free space. If the landmarks are owned by two different players you may remove one of the player’s houses and replace it with your own. If one player owns both of the landmarks you must draw a new Chance card.